I’ve been planning on blogging for a very long time now but I never really knew what to blog about. In fact, I don’t even know why I decided to re-establish a blog that I have kept dead for 3 years. So I guess I’ll just start this blog the way most things should be started, with a proper introduction.

I’ll start with some basic info. As my username suggests, you can all call me Tiggy. (It’s not my real name but I’m more likely to respond to this name rather than to my real name.) I am currently a 17 year old sophomore studying in Ateneo.  My course is kinda complicated so I’d rather not mention it.

I have a lot of interests. I like reading, origami, Naruto, baking, eating, and a whole bunch of other stuff. I also plan to do a lot with my life. I plan to publish a lot of books, to be an established and recognized writer, and to be a lawyer. I also plan to do a lot of stuff that other people before me haven’t done before and of course, I want to make a difference in the world. 😀

There are a lot of words that can be used to describe who I am and I could say one of my favorite ones would be “weird”. I could say that I’m weird cause of the weird ideas that pop out of my head and also because of the sudden shamelessness that I sometimes get to actually execute the said ideas. It’s embarrassing most of the time but without it I don’t think my life or the life of the people around me could be as colorful and wonderful as it is now. 😀

Another amusing word usually associated with me is the word “random”. I am random because I am the kind of person that tends to think a lot. Sometimes it’s the deep thinking that’s usually about what I think the meaning of life is but  most of the time, it’s just a whole jumble of random ideas and thoughts. And when these ideas begin planting themselves into my brain, I just can’t help but to always try to express them. So, yeah, I can say conversations with me can be quite weird and confusing but they are still pretty interesting and fun-filled, something that you guys are sure to expect in my blog.

So to end my little blog introduction, I’ll just make it clear. My blog would not focus on any certain subject. I’ll blog about whatever it is that I want to blog about. Sometimes it may be about books, movies, my opinions, and maybe just even life in general. You might also get to see some of my fiction works but as of, that seems unlikely. All I know is that I plan to stay as true to myself as possible in all of my blog entries. I can’t promise that my blog would be always fun but I can guarantee that I would do my best to make it worth your time. 🙂

‘Till then.